The “Turandot Project” is an Italian government’s initiative aimed at facilitating the learning process of foreign students through a compulsory ten months course of Italian language and culture. Its primary targets are students of conservatories and higher musical institutions, as the project focuses mainly on music specific terminology which is at the core of these type of studies.

A specific program for Chinese music students

Chinese students who would like to enroll in an Italian higher education institution (universities or conservatories alike) therefore, should be aware that they have to follow an Italian language course, before being able to finalize their enrollment.

There’s another initiative, the “Marco Polo” program, however, that shouldn’t be considered by conservatory applicants since it addresses primarily other than music university students.

Applying for “the Turandot Project”

To apply for the “Turandot Project” Chinese students should have passed both the Gao Kao exam (with the minimum vote of  380/750) and the “Artistic specialization” exam.

If these conditions are met, after processing all the relevant documents the Italian institutions will provide the students with the VISA visto d’ingresso required to enter the country.

For further information about the bureaucratic procedures and the forms needed to be filled, check the official government at this link:

The language courses are hosted by many prestigious institutions such as Perugia and Siena Universities for Foreigners students, the “Dante Alighieri” Society and various other training institutions, that can be found at this following:

At the end of these courses, students should achieve a B2 level, which is the level suggested in order to pass the entry exam for any Italian  Higher Education Institution.

No official info have been published yet for the 2018/2019 academic year. Based on what was decided last year, it is likely that registration forms will be accepted from April 2017 to August 2017. The courses should then be starting at the beginning of November and ending in August 2018, allowing the students to enroll for their higher musical or conservatoires courses in September 2018.

For updated info visit the websites above, or keep visiting this page, we’ll keep you updated.