Sale Apollinee: La Fenice Opera House
based on: Carlo Goldoni
Director: Michele Modesto Casarin
Conductor: Alberto Maron
conception: Marco Gnaccolini
Costumes: Licia Lucchese/Alessandra Dolce
masks: Roberta Bianchini
based on La favola de’ tre gobbi
Carlo Goldoni intermezzo
Manuela Massimi | Matteo Fresch | M. M. Casarin | Emanuele Fortunati
Ensemble Harmonica Prattica
Conductor | Alberto Maron
La Fenice production
with Pantakin Commedia, Woodstock Teatro
Conservatorio Benedetto Marcello di Venezia
What is Goldoni doing in his study in the middle of the night, surrounded by half empty bottles of rosolio and haphazard piles of paper, with a pistol at his head? This is the opening scene of I tre gobbi (The Three Hunchbacks), the Fenice’s first production of a play by the Venetian playwright for the opera house. Protagonists are not only the writer’s characters, but Goldoni himself, Vivaldi, Gozzi, entrepreneurs other figures from the world of theatre. One scene also includes a timeless interpretation of eighteenth-century Venice: festive, wealthy and joyful, but also sordid, poor and criminal, where they lay their stakes in both gambling houses and the theatre. It portrays a ‘rowdy’ city where the theatre companies are the undisputed protagonists of the cultural and economic system