It is known that every Italian region is different from the other. Different location, morphology, history translated into a wide range of traditions, dialect, attitude… wine and cookery!
An initiative, unveiled this week by British Health Secretary Matt Hancock, may soon enable the country’s doctors to prescribe therapeutic art- or hobby-based treatments for a wide range of mental health conditions. Therapeutic art- or hobby-based treatments for dementia, psychosis and mental health issues The medical benefits of engaging with the arts are well-recorded. According to the Telegraph “Dementia patients should be prescribed personal playlists to trigger happy memories Read more at:
Italian Opera the February monthly program of main events in the most famous Italian theaters. Don’t waste time and plan your visit to Italy now, taking advantage of cheap flights and good hotel rates! A wonderful stay in a quiet period of the year enriched by a great choice of amazing performances is at hand.
What is Rigoletto it about? This sounds like a simple question, which could be answered by telling the story of the Duke of Mantua, the city of Mantua, his hunchback jester and the jester’s daughter, Gilda. A story of love, deception, revenge, and death. The story, of course, is so close to the one told by playwright and poet Victor Hugo in his play Le Roi s’amuse (The King has fun), that they could appear the same thing. But anyone who loves opera will not be satisfied by this explanation. In the best operas, music is much more than an accompaniment to the story: it is through the power of music that the story unfolds into the drama. Verdi fell literally in love with Hugo’s play and was determined to translate it into music; despite his librettist Francesco Maria Piave‘s concerns, particularly over the fourth act culminating in the deposition of a dying Gilda in a bag. In a letter dated June 1850, Verdi explains the reasons he suggested as a title for the opera Monterone’s curse or, by the short, The Curse. “The subject is the curse as a moral element: A distraught father who mourns the honor taken away from his daughter, a […]